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Happy 6 month anniversary to TFR

I can't believe it has been 6 months since I officially opened Transformation for Real. If possible I am even more exicted than I was September 5th.

The reason I am so excited is that I really honed in on why I am doing this, why I became a Certified Health Coach and Life Coach.

I teach people to have a healthy relationship with food. That is so important because we have to eat so the idea that people are guilting themself on the most basic need drives me crazy!

I know what that guilt feels like, and how it effected my self image. There are enough outside influences trying to attack my self image I don't need to do it to myself WHILE I EAT!

Having gone through this 15 years ago and come out the other side I know that I am the only one who can empower and nurture people to know that they everything they do, down to the bites of food they eat, is worthwhile and serving them to become the person they are meant to be.

me know who I can help next :)

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